Friday, October 16, 2009

She wanted 100 pumpkins...

But Eric and I finally decided on around 10. I think I got just a FEW more than ten, but the baby ones don't really count. I don't know, you tell me, I think I need some more. This is only one room of the house!

After getting the pumpkins I was so filled with Halloween cheer, that I decided to sew myself a candy corn banner a la Sprinkles "Boo!" card. I had all that fabric in my stash! Damn I'm thrifty!

My Halloween cheer:

That's all I've got so far! I put out some candy corn, but I still need more! MORE PUMPKINS! Eric, however, does not agree! It's so hard to find Halloween decorations that aren't "country home." Don't get me wrong, those are fine, they just don't go with my home. I guess I'll just have to make some more!

Well I love you all! I hope you're loving pumpkins as much as me!




  1. You are so thrifty! I think the more pumpkins the merrier- Brian seems to think like Eric. I wonder why?

  2. there's a pun'kin in the fireplace!
    i want some. i need some.

  3. i love that banner! so classy for a halloween/fall item. very cute

  4. looking forward to a possible halloween post! no pressure. it's over and no need to date yourself. i just wanted to say we didn't flake on the awesome party. kjell heard we were going to go and decided to land himself in the ER to prevent this. he just needed some stitches and is doing great, but we will always wish...
